A Pretty Boy with an Unscriptural Message

He’s everywhere you turn. He seems to be FOX News’ favorite preacher. He’s on “FOX and Friends” and “Hannity” promoting his newest form of compromise and watered down Christianity. Yes, it’s the pretty boy from Houston—the guy who pastors a church with great music that is diluted by feel-good preaching. His worship team is willing to say things about Christ that it seems impossible for him to say. I’ve heard him over and over and over. He has nothing new to say. It’s the same old fluff like cotton candy: smile and be sweet and ignore the Word of God and its message. 
The famous “I don’t know” poster boy (He said the phrase 16 times on Larry King Live) for the prosperity and psychology gospel is at it again. I believe he lacks the substance to be a real writer. I would imagine he uses a ghost writer to write his books…just my opinion. How could a guy with no substance write anything of substance?
Captain Positive Thinking thinks this is your best life now, and he has sold that lie to four million people. If this is “Your Best Life Now,” then Jesus lied about heaven. “Now” is not my best life, nor yours. His message has been called inspirational. Yes, it is. It inspires people to focus on themselves rather than the Lord. His message is “try harder,” which is the opposite of “trust Christ.” He promises material success and happiness.
His new book focuses on patience. That’s something his wife apparently didn’t have with a stewardess when she was kicked off an airline a few years ago. Maybe this book is therapy. According to an article on AOL, back in 2005 he told Business Week that “God’s dream is that we be successful in our careers, and that we be able to send our kids to college. I don’t mean that everyone is going to be rich, and I preach a lot on blooming where you’re planted. But I don’t have the mindset that money is a bad thing. . . I think we should have a mindset that God wants us to prosper in our relationships, our health, and our finances. God’s desire is that we excel.”
If the prosperity gospel really worked, people would be buying into it by the millions. We wouldn’t need a stimulus package. The banks and GM wouldn’t be broke. We wouldn’t have 10% unemployment. I was in Flint, Michigan, a few weeks ago where the number of GM plants is down from seven to two. The unemployment rate there is 30%. If his gospel works, why doesn’t he go to Flint and prove it? He can’t. It won’t work. It’s a lie, a perversion of the gospel by preachers who get rich at the expense of others.

In his newest book, which should be in the joke book section not the inspirational section, he says, “Another few days of believing, another few weeks of doing the right thing, or another few months of staying in faith and you’ll see that promise come to pass.” Tell that to the 176,000 martyrs who gave their lives for the gospel this past year. Tell it to Christians in the underground church in China. Tell it to the Christians in Iran and other areas of the Middle East who may die for their faith and rejection of Islam. I’d like to see Joel start a church in the Sudan and see how it works. He wouldn’t be smiling for long. His book is entitled It’s Your Time: Activate Your Faith, Achieve Your Dreams, and Increase God’s Favor. Sounds great, if you don’t believe your Bible or you are ignorant of the Word.

The AOL article noted, “That’s a bunch of garbage, according to Barbara Ehrenreich’s new book Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America. Plenty of people have plenty of faith and a great attitude and bad stuff still happens.” And “another few days of believing” isn’t always of much help, according to her book.

Ehrenreich writes, “If optimism is the key to material success, and if you can achieve an optimistic outlook through the discipline of positive thinking, then there is no excuse for failure. The flip side of positivity is thus a harsh insistence on personal responsibility: if your business fails or your job is eliminated, it must be because you didn’t try hard enough, didn’t believe firmly enough in the inevitability of your success. As the economy has brought more layoffs and financial turbulence to the middle class, the promoters of positive thinking have increasingly emphasized this negative judgment: to be disappointed, resentful, or downcast is to be a ‘victim’ and a ‘whiner.’”

It’s easy for Joel Osteen to preach this kind of message. He was handed his ministry on a silver platter. He’s made millions because he’s positive. His gospel is a denial of Hebrews 11 and those who died for their faith. Would he tell the prophets who were killed for preaching the Word that they just needed to be more positive? (Translated: “Don’t tell the truth. Just say what pagan, carnal, self-centered people want to hear.”) What is he going to say to Job when (and if) he meets him in glory? “Hey Job, I don’t know you, but if you had read my book you might not have lost everything.” What will he say to the martyr, Stephen? What would he say to the Apostle Paul who spent so much time in prison? How will he face the Christ who was beaten to a pulp? “Hey Jesus, Joel here. If you had just activated your faith you could have increased God’s favor.”
The pretty boy is preaching an ugly message. It’s time we stop letting this guy be the poster boy for Christianity. He’s the poster boy of a false gospel and a lie based in hell. He can’t tell the truth because he doesn’t know the truth. He can’t preach (he tells stories and jokes and mostly the same old hash warmed up) because he was never called to preach. It was a job he just couldn’t turn down. After all, look how rich he’s become preaching it.
There’s a sucker born every minute. They are listening to a seducer every week. They are buying seduction, and, sadly, they are finding it in Christian bookstores. God bless America, we’re the only people stupid enough to actually make this guy a poster child. The pretty boy is selling an ugly, unbiblical theology. You might listen to him and feel better, but it may result in the damnation of your soul.

29 thoughts on “A Pretty Boy with an Unscriptural Message

  1. Thank you for speaking the truth. The world needs to wake up and turn back to God quickly. Preachers don’t need to just preach what they think you want to hear, but what you need to hear.

  2. Good Morning Michael: WOW! I just read this blog and I agree with you 100 percent. No-where in Joel’s preaching does he mentioned to Pray. I am reading your book entitled: The Power of Persistence. I have reached page 93 where you are giving Steve William’s testimony. If the prosperity gospel works, why was I, at the age of 55, kicked out of my senior management positon in Houston when the housing crisis was at it’s peak. We lost all of our investments, our house, and my job. But we still had God! We moved back to Arlington and for 19 months I searched, prayed, and impatiently waited for God to act. This was in 1988. I did find a job; poured my heart and soul into it, working long hours and nights – 16 years later I found out the owner had been seeking the help of a fortune teller for business decisions and I was booted out. This year, in July, I had a heart attack caused by the years of extreem stress of my 16 hour a day work load. This is what the doctor said. But! God saw us through that too. They put three stents in and I am doing fine. Today, He is Real. I am not perfect, I stumble and fall, but Jesus is forgiving and picks me up. Praise The Lord!!! Wes Allard – Mansfield, Texas.

  3. Amen, Pastor! Thank you! I was recently blasted by “Christian” friends who didn’t appreciate my candor about the “pretty boy!”
    Thanks for calling a spade a spade! Makes me feel alot better about standing my ground about his cotton candy gospel (as I put it, as well).

  4. Jesus said, “Every kingdom that is divided against itself is doomed , and every city or house divided against itself will eventually fall.”

    So, you are using your influence on Facebook and spiritual equity in people’s lives to accuse a confessing Christian man of being a “pretty boy, a guy with no substance, lacks the substance to be a real writer, I would IMAGINE he uses a ghost writer, a false gospel and a lie based in hell, handed his ministry on a silver platter (Because of the DEATH of his father), he doesn’t know the truth, can’t preach, is a seducer, is selling an ugly, unbiblical theology.

    You are using as proof Barbara Ehrenreich, who Wikipedia says is an American feminist, democratic socialist, pop sociologist and political activist…

    I beg you to come up with a better target for your disdain. Satan, sin, the flesh, disease, poverty, hunger, jealousy, SLANDER… There are many worthy targets.

    Please remember what Jesus said about a divided Kingdom. He is worthy of quoting and trusting. God can easily deal with Joel, if He needs to.

    You seem to be doing so many good things in God’s Kingdom. Where did this come from?

  5. I agree with this post and it is hard core and to the point. Our determinations don’t change the Lord’s mind and we can’t “faith” our way into our own desires. God’s ways and thoughts are much higher than our own. (Isaiah) We don’t know the plans of the Lord but we can be certain they are for good and for a future of hope. Does that mean we won’t suffer?? Not at all, I’m in the hardest year of my life. My husband left me with my small child and I’ve had to return to work. Selling my house, finding myself at the lowest level of income and emotions I’ve never had to battle before. These were all caused by someone else’s sins, talk about that Joel! Your insight was good.

  6. All of this may be true, but the fact still remains that Joel helped me transition from non-faithful “recovering Catholic” / New Age-er to the Bible, and ultimately, to a Bible-reader and a Christian growing in my faith daily, often by watching your services online. So, Joel was a transition stage. I wouldn’t have “gotten” your message if I had turned on your channel years ago (in fact, Joel and contemporary worship was even “radical” for me back then) because I just wasn’t ready for it. But now, thanks to having that transition, I am able to read and learn about the Bible & making my life about God’s Will more than I ever dreamed. Sherwood’s movies and your congregation’s faithfulness to God’s plans have touched my life deeply – thank you!

  7. Praise the Lord for your stance! It is the same message my Pastor and myself have been relaying to our people as well. For someone to say. “I don’t know” concerning the Gospel, it really makes you wonder if they are truly converted.

  8. Mike Catt, as usual, you hit the nail on the head. Your article reflects the opinion that I have had about “The Pretty Boy Preacher”, “The Smilin’ Preacher”, or whatever you want to call him.

  9. Although I generally agree with you concerning brother Osteen, I’m saddened by your choice of words concerning him. Your living proof that we devour our own and are our worst detriment in promoting the love of Christ. It’s a classic example of trying to impress others with your “holier than thou” attitude by beating up on someone else. Have you prayed for him? If so, I certainly missed that point in your article. Have you tried to lovingly reach out to him and discuss your concerns? Hate accomplishes nothing but the promotion of it. Show the REAL love and forgiveness afforded to those who believe in Christ.

  10. Hello Michael: I received your email concerning my comments about this blog. Thank You! I have read the comments of others also. It is my opinion that those who have “blasted” you for this blog, totally missed the point and perhaps, are not capable of comprehending the intelligent approach you have made in this blog. We must realize that all people are not gifted with average intelligence nor are they educated to the point where they can make rational, intelligent decisions. Wes Allard- Mansfield, Texas

  11. Good Evening Michael: I received your email concerning my comments about this blog. Thank You! I have read the comments of others also. It is my opinion that those who have “blasted” you for this blog, totally missed the point and perhaps, are not capable of comprehending the intelligent approach you have made in this blog. We must realize that all people are not gifted with average intelligence nor are they educated to the point where they can make rational, intelligent decisions. Wes Allard- Mansfield, Texas

  12. To quote one of Michael’s earlier blog entries concerning religious apathy in America,
    “The researcher, Barry Kosmin of Trinity College, says, “They’re a stew of agnostics, deists, and rationalists. They sound more like Thomas Jefferson and Tom Paine. Their very interesting Enlightenment approach is like the Founding Fathers’ kind, skeptical about organized religion and clerics while still holding to an idea of God.”

    This is not our greatest problem in America today. The greater problem is a faithless, apathetic, carnal, backslidden church that lacks any power or concern about glorifying God in this world. Until we get fire in the pulpit and in the pews, these numbers will go up. Only a revival of biblical proportions can bring a change.

    Joel Osteen’s encouraging messages are creating revival and motivation to love and serve God in my family.
    Doesn’t he deserve as much slack as we give our nation’s founders?

  13. Friar – I love your bold honesty. Joel is the “feel good” boy. I don’t “feel” he is real. Can we take down the poster boy ? In time my friend, in time …

  14. The bottom line is that if Christ and Christ crucified is not at the core of every message, another gospel is being preached. Far too many who identify themselves as followers of Christ are forfeiting the everlasting power of His shed blood in exchange for a feel-good, quick-fix substitute that will quickly crumble in the presence of the one, true and holy God. Christ, the redeemer, is the key – the only key -to our best life now and for eternity.

    And while this may sound harsh to delicate ears, the greatest evidence of a man’s love for his fellow man is his willingness to boldly speak the unapologetic truth of God’s word to a lost and dying world.

  15. What about all of those “conservative” Baptist pastors who stand in American pulpits every week proclaiming the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God who then turn around and correct it saying certain words, phrases, and even whole verses shouldn’t be there or a particular word is a poor translation. God is not near as concerned about Joel Osteen as He is hypocritical Baptist preachers.

    craig giddens / warner robins georgia

  16. I don’t dislike Joel Osteen. Rather, I dislike Joel Osteen masquerading himself to be a “pastor”. He is not. He is a very, very good motivational speaker. Regarding Theresa Markham’s comments: you sound exactly like I did several years ago, Theresa. I believed there was nothing wrong with Joel’s role as “spiritual-bait.” After Joel reeled them in, then “real” pastors could take over and preach the hardcore Truth about Jesus Christ and salvation. You referred to it as a transition stage. I’m happy that you were able to move past Joel’s philosophy and delve deeper into scripture. But what about the forty thousand people in Joel Osteen’s congregation, and the Millions of others who watch him on television, buy his books, tapes, etc., that never move past that “transition stage”? For millions, Joel Osteen is the only “Jesus Christ” they will ever hear about, learn about or experience. That is a sobering and very scary thought to me.

    Houston we have a problem. And it’s not NASA.

    Years back I bought dozens of Joel’s books and gave them to friends. I will regret that until the day I die. Not one of them moved beyond the Joel Osteen-transition. Their knowledge of Christ is Joel holding up a Bible reciting his infamous, “This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess my mind is alert, my heart is receptive; I’ll never be the same. In Jesus name, God bless you.” Tossing “in Jesus name” at the end of a Christ-less mantra is insulting.

    My prayer is that Joel Osteen will stop making it so difficult for genuine pastors and step out of the pulpit and join the ranks of Tony Robbins and other motivational speakers. That is where he belongs.

  17. “A pretty boy”…

    I have been a Christian since 1980, and I am so sad to see so many Pastors fall away from the Heart of God and be used by the enemy. And while you may disagree with Joel Osteen and his teachings, your comments are so harsh, unGodly, and so far away from the Jesus that I know and serve who loves us and died an unbelievable death to save us, to save even Joel Osteen.

    Your comments reveal something in your own heart that is not from God, and truly, I pray that God reveal it to you so that you may stay humble,keep a pure Spirit and and remain in the fear and awe of God that keeps us from pride that allows us to tear down another man that Jesus died for.

    God is not too small that he cannot correct Joel if he is in error, so please pray for him and his family. Pray. Love covers…love prays.

    A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you.
    John 13:34

    By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for one another.
    John 13:35

    Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.
    1 John 4:7

  18. Michael Catt’s comments were well founded. In his response, David Sheffield slamms the pastor without good reason. You are right, Mr. Sheffield, “A kingdom divided cannot stand.” That’s a wonderful quote you used…I like it. But, what “kingdom” are many of these prosperity teachers part of? I’m happy the Lord is blessing your life…but, one day, when you face great hardships…I hope you’ll reconsider Pastor Catt’s words. My wife and I live on the west coast..don’t know Michael Catt or anyone who attends his church…BUT, I wholeheartedly agree with his post. Keep up the GOOD work, Pastor Catt!

  19. Hey Michael,
    great article. I was reading it this afternoon as I was laying in the hospital in Valdosta Ga(had left big toe amputated) and my nurse was in the room and I said, “do you like Joel Osteen?” Oh yes! (Ugh!) I said I was reading an article written by my former pastor at Sherwood, what did he say? He said concerning “It’s your best life now” that according to the garbage he’s spewing out to the feel goods and tell me what I want to hear cause I don’t want to know the truth, that Jesus lied to us about Heaven. Truth is if they were reading the word on a daily basis instead of being spoon-fed they would know themselves, what the truth is. From the room left my nurse, part of those who are being fed a lie being led to slaughter. Thank you Michael for standing in the gap unapologetically and Praise God for 20 years at Sherwood may God grant you 40 more!

  20. I agree with you Brother Miclael 100% Pastors/Ministers should speek out aginst false teaching as Jesus did. As in Matthew 16:6 thru 12
    Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees. And they reasoned among themselves, saying, It is because we have taken no bread. Which when Jesus perceived, he said unto them, O ye of little faith, why reason ye among yourselves, because ye have brought no bread? Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up? How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees? Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
    So keep up the good work.

  21. Pastor Catt,

    I know I’m WAY late on this comment, but I just recently found your blog, so I hope you can excuse my being late on my comments.

    I once believed the pretty boy “Pastor”. I smiled and was a positive thinker and all that he “preaches” and things went well for awhile, but then I was laid off from a good paying executive job and then one day out of the blue my wife came home and asked for a divorce. So, in a matter of 6 months I lost a good job and was on the verge of losing my marriage. Now, I admit I wasn’t always the best person to be around to be honest I was almost exactly like Caleb from Fireproof at times, but I did most of the time follow what pretty boy said and was positive and smiled and yada yada. When I moved out of the house my wife, kids, and I shared I leaned on pretty boy for encouragement and a positive outlook on things. One day while sitting at my Mom’s I watched Fireproof for the first time, after it was over I started reading different things online and all of a sudden a voice started talking to me in my brain and was telling me “Now, is the time”, I was confused by this and continued doing what I was doing. After a little while that same voice told me “Now, is the time” for the second time, this went on three more times and I finally figured out what it meant and went into the livingroom and got onto my knees and prayed and rededicated my life for Christ’s service. I then started serving Christ at a local church by handing out boxes of food to people that needed it and prayed for them before they left, read the bible, prayed, and just really lived my life to serve Christ. My marriage has since been restored and we go to church for the first time as a family and I am the spiritual leader of my family (for the first time). A couple of days after I moved back home my wife and I were having dinner and fellowship with some friends I heard pretty boy on tv and looked at everybody and said “He’s lying to everybody and is proud of it. His teachings cannot help you only God and His grace can, it wasn’t his preaching that restored my marriage it was God and only God”.

    I think it’s unfortunate that so many people believe the garbage that he’s preaching. I, also think it’s disgraceful that media types like Fox News have turned him into the poster boy for Christianity and Christians because pretty boy is the furthest thing from the poster boy for the God I know and serve.

    Thank you for everything you do through your church and it’s ministries, although I am not a member of your church it has helped me a bunch and helped save my marriage.

    God Bless,

    Cory McDonald

  22. I am living at El Salvador, i am hearing your podcast 2 months ago daily and must day with earphones at office, car and home
    Your preach is like a sword that engraves on me the Word of God every day the 18 hours i am awake. Thank you for your comment, just have an opinion like – Theresa Markham –
    All of this may be true, but the fact still remains that Joel helped me transition from non-faithful “recovering Catholic” / New Age-er to the Bible, and ultimately, to a Bible-reader and a Christian growing in my faith daily, often by watching your services online. So, Joel was a transition stage. I wouldn’t have “gotten” your message if I had turned on your channel years ago (in fact, Joel and contemporary worship was even “radical” for me back then) because I just wasn’t ready for it. But now, thanks to having that transition, I am able to read and learn about the Bible & making my life about God’s Will more than I ever dreamed. Sherwood’s movies and your congregation’s faithfulness to God’s plans have touched my life deeply – thank you! —— now with your podcast daily i am learning and studying deeply the bible. Thanks Pastor Michael Catt

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