
Retired Senior Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church

CHURCH: Michael served as Senior Pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church from 1989 until 2021. The church was a regional, multi-generational and multi-ethnic with people from over 20 nations. The church developed a regional ministry with multiple campuses, including the 100 acre Legacy Sports Park, 5 Alpha Crisis Pregnancy Centers, The Hope Center at the Coke Plant and a church planting emphasis in 32 cities in North America. His sermons are available on the Sherwood Podcast at For the last few months, his sermons are being moved to the Michael Catt podcast. All his messages, will eventually be available on the Michael Catt podcast site.

ReFRESH® CONFERENCES: In 2003, Michael began a conference focused on revival and the victorious Christian life. ReFRESH® was held annually in Albany, Georgia, and in various locations around the country.  Conferences, focused on encouraging pastors and lay leaders, were held in Alaska, Nevada, Tennessee, and the Northeastern United States. Michael Continues to speak at Conferences and Events focused on helping pastors. In retirement, he is focusing on encouraging the next generation of leaders to be all God has designed them to be. You may find more information at Michael has also written the ReFRESH Bible Study to help churches understand the need for a fresh touch from God. Find out more about the study here.

WEBSITES: Michael led Sherwood to invest in websites and podcasts to maintain awareness of the ministries of his mentors, friends and heroes in the faith. These include, Vance Havner ( and Ron Dunn ( Sherwood also oversees the Charlie Draper podcast and the Warren Wiersbe podcast.

SHERWOOD PICTURES: This ministry of Sherwood began with a conversation between Michael and Alex Kendrick on a back lot tour of Disney World. That conversation birthed a very “out of the box” church outreach. Michael’s goal as the pastor of a regional church in a rural part of Georgia was to change the world from Albany, Georgia. While that may seem like a radical, even ridiculous, statement from a pastor in Southwest Georgia, it has, in fact, become a reality through Sherwood Pictures as well s church planting. Michael served as the Executive Producer of Flywheel, Facing the Giants, Fireproof, and Courageous, as well as multiple music and video projects. He has also served as Executive Producer for the Erwin Brothers’ film Woodlawn.

INTERVIEWS: Michael has been interviewed by magazines and newspapers including Christianity Today, Leadership Journal, The Los Angeles Times, Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA Today, and other print media. He has appeared on Dr. Phil, The Fox News Channel, CNN Headline News, The Glenn Beck Show, Janet Parshall’s America, American Family Radio, The 700 Club, TBN and Richard Land Live!.

Sherwood Pictures, has been featured in over 400 articles and features including The Drudge Report, Baptist Press, AP Radio, American Family Radio, Focus on the Family, Good Morning America, Agape Press, Christianity Today, CNS News, National Public Radio, Purpose Driven Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Laura Ingraham Show, The Michael Reagan Show and The Conservative Voice.

PUBLISHING: Michael is the author of many books, including the best selling Fireproof Your Life and Prepare for Rain. Fireproof Your Life was the fastest selling book in the history of CLC Publications. He has released the four-part ReFRESH® book series with Broadman & Holman, including The Power of Desperation (released May 2009), The Power of Persistence (released September 2009), The Power of Surrender (released in March 2010), and The Power of Purpose (released in October 2017).  Michael has also written Prepare for RainUpgrade, Courageous Living, Courageous Teens, Fireproof Your Life for Teens, and the Refinance Bible Study for LifeWay, as well as co-authored the Love Dare Curriculum.

OTHER MINISTRY INVOLVEMENT: Michael served as President of the Large Church Roundtable for 2018-19. He was President of the 2008 Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference, representing over 42,000 churches. He has spoken at multiple conferences, colleges, seminaries, rallies, camps, NBA and college chapel services, well as The Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove. He was also honored to be the sole Southern Baptist representative at a small group meeting with President George W. Bush in the oval office in 2002.

Michael has served the Southern Baptist Convention as an IMB Trustee, President of the Georgia Baptist Convention’s Preaching Conference and as Vice President of the Georgia Baptist Convention. He has served on the boards of 4Him and Veritas. He is the recipient of The Martin Luther King Award, The MLK Unity Award, and a Georgia Senate Resolution in recognition of his work in the community and in racial reconciliation. (see

MINISTRY PHILOSOPHY: Michael’s life verse: “For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.” (2 Corinthians 4:5) Michael’s vision statement: “Whoever wants the next generation the most will get them.”

FAMILY: Michael and his wife Terri have been married since 1974. They are the proud parents of two grown daughters, Erin and Hayley. Erin is married to Drew Waters. In addition, they are blessed to invest in a beautiful foster child.