I’m sitting at the Sheraton on 16th street in Denver. I’ve just finished a lunch meeting with some folks from David C. Cook. At the lunch, the Cook team gave us some of the first copies of The Transformation Study Bible, edited by my friend Warren Wiersbe.
As I sit here thumbing through this Bible, I am amazed at all the notes and tools found in its pages. This study Bible is the Study Bible I will recommend to Sunday School teachers, and it will be an incredible resource for pastors.
An incredibly large percentage of the “Be” commentary series by Warren is included in this study Bible. What a tool and a blessing! It will be available this September.
The publisher notes, “For over 30 years, millions have come to rely on the timeless wisdom of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s “Be” commentary series. Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary and insights on Scripture have helped readers understand and apply God’s Word with the goal of life transformation. Warren W. Wiersbe is the former pastor of the Moody Church in Chicago, an internationally known Bible teacher, and someone who has given his life to a deep examination of God’s Word. God transforms us through His Word, and The Transformation Study Bible promises to be an essential resource for growing motivated disciples. Not only will you understand God’s Word with a greater sense of clarity, but you will be given the means to apply what you learn with a new sense of purpose. The Transformation Study Bible offers the full text of the highly readable New Living Translation with accompanying notes and commentary from the 50 books in Dr. Wiersbe’s “Be” series.”
While I’m here, I also have the privilege of accepting a lifetime achievement award for Dr. Wiersbe. As the author or editor of 200 books, surely no one is more deserving.