Since I came to Sherwood nearly 20 years ago, I have emphasized prayer. Early on, I established our Intercessory Prayer Ministry, and I firmly believe that prayer is an integral part of Sherwood. God has blessed this congregation and her ministries through the faithful prayers of the body of Christ.
I’ve just released the second book in a series with Broadman & Holman, The Power of Persistence, in which I tackle the subject of prayer and teach people how to believe God and pray with persistence. The word “persistence” is defined as “the act of persisting, especially in spite of opposition, obstacles, discouragement, etc.; a lasting or enduring tenacity; perseverance.” Through the stories of Scripture and personal experiences, I issue the challenge to maintain a persistent prayer life. You’ll be encouraged to pray for your children, pray for the lost, pray in the face of coming judgment, and persist even when you don’t know what to pray.
From the foreword by Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe:
“When I have stood before that congregation [Sherwood Baptist Church] to share the Word, I have sensed the Holy Spirit at work because the congregation and staff had prayed. Their senior pastor, Michael Catt, as well as the church staff and officers, agree with Paul that prayer and the preaching of the Word of God must have priority.
In this book Pastor Catt builds a biblical base for praying churches and praying church leaders, a case it is impossible to refute. It warmed and stirred my heart to read these chapters, and I trust you will have the same experience. I suggest you share this book with some of your friends. This might give birth to a vibrant prayer group in your neighborhood or church. “For the person who knows to do good and doesn’t do it, it is a sin” (James 4:17).”
I hope you’ll pick up the book at your local retailer online, and I pray it will be spur you on to be a persistent pray-er.
You can find more information on The Power of Persistence and the other books in the ReFRESH™ series at
This book cannot get here fast enough
Good Afternoon Michael: First let me apologize for previous comments in which I addressed you as “Dan.” Dan is my pastor’s name – I suspect I imagined I was writing to him. Now to comment on this subject: Prayer.
In my library I have a book entitled MORE LIKE THE MASTER. It was published by Beacon Hill Press – with a copyright of 1966. It was given to me about 1970 by my pastor at that time. I feel confident it is out of print. But! It has a strong direction toward the kneeling Christian and prayer. When I am down – as I was a month ago when I had a heart attack – my wife prayed for me in the hospital and God answered her prayers. I am doing fine with medication, exercise and diet. Three stents in the arteries on both sides of my heart. God is so Good.
Wes Allard Mansfield, Texas.
I think I’ll have to get a copy. Last one I read was by E.M. Bounds.
I would add that many *real* revivals started with persistent prayer, when men of God stained the carpets with their tears for the lost.
No one prays, or should I say, very few pray that way any more as it is too exhausting for modern Americans.
Maybe even embarrassing?
Just watch the headlines if you can’t think of something to weep before the Altar…
Mike Sr.