In this economy, there is increased pressure on non-profit groups, charitable organizations, and churches to raise funds. Those born after 1946 are largely unchurched, and those who are in church do not give as their parents and grandparents did. The church is faced with a declining giving base as the older generation dies off. In addition, Boomers and Busters give a much smaller percentage of their income than their ancestors.
Not only are the Boomer and Buster generations giving less, but they are also spending the billions of dollars inherited from their parents at a record pace. Larger houses, more expensive cars, exotic trips, and designer clothes are no longer considered luxuries—they are necessities. The present generation, at the peak earning time of their life, is also spending at a record pace.
How does the church respond to this growing crisis? What will the church do to stave off these growing financial problems and meet the ever increasing demands for ministry? What does a pastor and finance committee do when faced with a diversity of needs and a diminishing checking account?
One writer, Keith Drury, suggests there is a solution to all our problems. He suggests multi-level tithing. It’s the ultimate “get rich quick” for the church. It’s a win-win for members and the church. The concept is Scriptural, built on the “give and it shall be given unto you” text in Luke’s Gospel. It’s a simple plan with incredible possibilities.
Why should churches preach against and fight all these “get rich quick” schemes? Why argue with people about the lottery? Since people are so gullible, let’s take advantage of it and use it for the glory of God. (Sarcasm intended.)
Look at one way this could work. First, tell the Wednesday night prayer meeting crowd they can get in on the ground floor. Encourage them to participate because, after all, they are the heart and soul of the church, the faithful few and the remnant. They will be given the inside track so they can be the first to reap the blessings to come.
Ask the Wednesday night crowd to sign up first for a low, low registration fee. Of course, we’re assuming that those who make prayer a priority are also committed to tithing. Then they are to immediately enlist a new tither. We aren’t asking them to sell Tuperware or phone cards. Sure, everyone uses those items and they are easy to sell, but where’s the eternal value? No, tithing promises a blessing now and in the future.
For every new tither that is enlisted, the Finance Committee could pay the faithful few 1% of net income from that person’s new tithe. In addition, the church will write you a check every month for as long as your new tither keeps tithing. Think of the possibilities. First, you’ll be able to increase your own tithe. Second, you’ll have more disposable income to use for missions or vacations. Third, you’ll be a candidate for the next TBN marathon testimony time.
Let’s break down the numbers. If you were to recruit a tither who makes $100,000 a year (and most of them don’t tithe—they can’t afford it), that would mean you would get $1,000 as a “finder’s fee”—and the gift just keeps on giving, as long as your recruit keeps on tithing. As a bonus, if your new recruit gives over and above a tithe (to missions, love offerings, and building campaigns) you’ll get 1% of those gifts too. This has the potential to build a substantial discretionary income for you and your family over the life of the tither.
But hey, that’s not the genius of multi-level. The genius to the system is you get a cut of the tithe from every person your recruit recruits. So, in addition to your 1% kickback, you’ll get increasing percentages based on the people that your original tither recruits. The Finance Committee could encourage those who stay within and work the system to imagine up to 10% if the original tither will enlist just five more tithers. After all, it’s better to make a person a tithing recruiter than to lead a person to tithe alone.
In these days of declining resources and givers, we need new strategies that will work…and be a blessing. Imagine the motivation within every church, regardless of the giving demographics, if they embrace the importance of being tithing-recruiters. With a minimum of three to five hours a week, done from the comfort of your own home, you could double or even triple your income, increase your own tithe, and build a substantial discretionary income. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it too?
You and your family, by getting in on the ground floor (see it pays to pray), could soon be pulling down six figures a year and helping the Lord do His work in this world. Just remember, like any multi-level effort, only those who get in on the ground floor reap the full benefits of the plan.
Please remember it is very important that you sign up now. Get your personal ID number so all gifts can be accurately credited to your account. We want to make sure the truly faithful and committed get credit in this life, as well as the next.
So please, don’t buy into the world’s multi-level marketing schemes. They never produce what they promise. Make sure you invest in the Tithing Trust Fund for Fun marketing plan, available through your local church. Who needs faith? You’ve got a multi-level gold mine before you. If you missed the multi-media presentation in prayer meeting, please call our administrator for details. Only those with certified Tithing Trust Fund account numbers will be allowed to recruit among our membership. There’s still room on the ground floor of success and prosperity through tithing. Join now!
“That is how the money goes. Pop! Goes the weasel”…popular nursery rhyme.
God bless your heart Pastor Catt, your expose could not have come at a more perfect time. I have been victim of the tithe marketing flytrap,and i swallowed it hook,line and sinker! I took a loan to pay off a tithe, you see our pastor convinced us that we(read the congregation) were not blessed by God because we were not tithing. In Africa you can get people to pay any amount of money just as long as you promise that God will do His part and avail wealth in return. The numerous sermons implied a reward for works, so as a young man, i was both bought and sold on it. Who are the Boomers(Woodstock 69′ and beyond????), and the Busters????
I think the current scam on tithing in churches contradicts and completely ignores our status as sons of God by faith in christ and joint heirs of God with Christ. I thought we are supposed to give out of love and not compulsion! Doesn’t it amount to testing God? Back at the rural home where i come from,even though i am not a Catholic, i would regularly attend church services mostly during my break from work. The tiny rural church is ran by Irish Catholic priests. They have a very simple form of tithing, the rural folks bring to the church farm produce which in turn is sold and the proceeds are used to support church activities. It looked so open and honest. The pastors here in the city only accept cold hard cash!
Ultimately, my current generation is the core focus of advertizing and marketing for the world’s leading luxury goods companies. My generation isn’t building up a cash cushion, instead we drowning in debt. We will definitely end up worse than the previous generation. Thanks for exposing the flip side of tithing pastor Catt. You are bound to hear horror stories from victims.
Divided by miles. United in love.God bless you all.
From Africa with love,
Langat Kibet
Nairobi,Kenya(East Africa).