At Sherwood, we are currently walking through great truths about the Holy Spirit and how we can cooperate with Him as He operates in our lives. All that the Lord Jesus had been to His disciples while walking this earth, the Holy Spirit has become as our comforter.
There is a difference. Jesus was with them physically; the Spirit abides in us. He is empowering us, equipping us, convicting us, and drawing us to a more intimate relationship with Christ.
All that Jesus did for the disciples, the Spirit would continue to do. The ascended Lord is our Advocate. The indwelling Holy Spirit is our paraclete, our helper. There is harmony here. There is unity here. There is a singleness of purpose in this.
Just as Jesus talked, guided, and strengthened the disciples, the Holy Spirit continues to do this and even more. Our Lord, as He walked this earth, was limited by time and space. If He was in one place, He couldn’t be somewhere else. The Holy Spirit in us is in all places at all times. He is not limited by time and space. He indwells believers everywhere. His work in us is to make Christ as real to us as if Jesus were actually walking among us. The Spirit fills the gap between the open grave and the exalted throne.
Think about it. By His death and resurrection, Jesus meets every need of the sinner for salvation. The Holy Spirit is given to meet every need in the life of the believer. If we could just embrace that truth, it would revolutionize our lives. We have the Spirit indwelling and empowering us. That’s incredible news. It’s not wishful thinking, it’s a living truth!