(The following article is an excerpt from the upcoming Bible Study for Life from LifeWay, ReFinance: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Money Management, written by Michael Catt)
We’ve talked extensively about hard work, but what do we get for our efforts? Many people work long hours with very little production to show for it. On the other hand, the woman in this passage recognized that both her wares and her profits were good.
Biblical stewardship acknowledges the need for excellence. This woman was never so rushed that she cut corners in order to amass greater production and thus greater profit. Poor craftsmanship, shoddy performance, and dishonest gain should never be practiced—or even hinted at—among believers. Every detail of our labors should honor the God of excellence we serve.
Here are three reasons Christians should work with excellence:
1. We are Salt
Our lives should create a greater thirst for understanding God and act as a preservative against the evils of this world. Jesus said if we lose our saltiness, we become worthless. In a society where people regularly cut corners for the sake of faster gains, our excellence and blamelessness flavor the world around us. (see Matt. 5:13)
2. We are Servants
An improper view of money places all the focus on self. We become self-absorbed, self-sufficient, and self-centered. Jesus taught that we should seek to serve, not to be served. Let’s use our unique giftedness to serve those around us, putting others’ interests ahead of our own. (see Mark 10:43-45)
3. We are Stewards
We are stewards of the mysteries of God! As we honor Him with our assets, we display the greatness of God and the precious mystery of the gospel to those who are watching. (see 1 Cor. 4:1-2)
No matter your place in life—man or woman, employed or unemployed, rich or poor—you’re called to act responsibly with all that God has given you. Do whatever it takes to make that choice each day.
This article is an excerpt from Re-Finance by Michael Catt, part of the Bible Studies for Life series.