In this pilgrimage called life, we often face tests. Usually, we think of tests as something we took in school. They were something we crammed for the night before and then prayed hard to pass. We take driver’s tests, blood tests, and the doctors often tell us they need to run some tests. In God’s economy, our tests can be divided into three categories.

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Recently I was honored to attend the memorial service for my dear friend Warren Wiersbe. It was important to Terri and me that we pay honor to this man who meant so much to us. He and Betty became our friends nearly 25 years ago, and he will be deeply missed.

Through the years, it was instilled in me to honor people. It has always been important to me to remember. We live in a world that easily forgets. With the advancement of technology, it’s easy to just check the box and move on to the next thing. That does a disservice to us and to those we love.

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As I’m writing this, I’m watching the colors of the leaves change almost daily. What a few days before was a splash of green is now mixed with yellows and reds and a few leaves that have already turned brown. Each day is a visible reminder that life has seasons, and rather than complain about the seasons, we should embrace them and ask God to teach us what He wants us to learn. Just think about all the seasons you go through if you live a long life:

  • Childhood
  • Teenage years
  • Going off to college or getting your first job
  • Moving away from home
  • Getting married
  • All the seasons around having or not having kids
  • Empty nest
  • Aging parents
  • Changing careers
  • The death of a child, spouse, or parent
  • The end of your youthful idealism and the reality that life isn’t fair
  • Spiritual transformation
  • Times of personal revival and renewal
  • Changes in your health

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When God Works in Unexpected Ways

This is the first blog I’ve written since I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Someone told me that one in six men will have prostate cancer in their life. It’s the most prominent cancer in men, as breast cancer is in women. The last few months have been, to say the least, an emotional roller coaster. The “C-word” takes your breath away. It brings a new normal and a fast learning curve. Learning that you have it leads to discerning what kind of treatment is best for you. Listening to countless stories of other men who have been diagnosed with the same thing and are living active lives is encouraging. Continue reading “When God Works in Unexpected Ways”