Here’s a video of a message I preached at Sherwood in my final weeks as Senior Pastor. I loved preaching on Sunday nights. The messages in my final weeks were targeted at making the best possible transition for the new pastor.
Hello Pastor Catt.
I was wondering if there is a different link to this sermon.
I’d like very much to be able to at least hear it. Is it on YouTube, perhaps?
Your provocative words always move me into some sort of action! There’s no reading and walking away or getting on with my to do list.
I needed this emailed entry on prayer. Things have been darker in my life. Much, much, spiritual warfare in my house. I can’t use the word home. It hasn’t applied for some time. As a former/recovering Prodi-Gal, I’m reaping what I sowed in that time. Toward the end of that rebellious time period, I chose – poorly – to become unequally yoked to a nonbeliever. I’ve been married over 40 years to my still unsaved husband. He is LOST! … in every sense of the word. My pastor has told me that I live with “the enemy”. Don’t I know it! Attacks come without warning. Almost daily it’s as if he flies a B-52 loaded with f bombs and other unspeakable insults, accusations and lets them rain down on me. In the last year or so I’ve begun to address the enemy inside of my husband telling the demons in the powerful name of Jesus, to get out of him, out of this house, and off of our property – to shut up, get out, and do not come back. Most of the time, I see no immediate change. But I know at the all powerful name of Jesus the dark has to flee. I know God wants Gary saved even more than I do – infinitely more.
In those years of rebellion, my sins were just awful. When I think of them on Jesus my Savior at/on the cross, my heart breaks. I can barely breathe when I think of my fetid sins causing His skin to be torn, nails to be driven into Him. I can only weep and praise Him for His determination, tenacity, and most of all love to pursue me, run me down and bring me back to His loving, caring, nurturing green pasture.
I praise God I left that Prodi-Gal at the alter! I do not deserve what the Lord has done for me. But I’m so grateful. Sometimes though, I lose hope and I despair when there is zero change in my husband. Sometimes like David, I shout to my Abba, could He please count the thousands and thousands of prayers on His desk spindle for salvation for Gary Carter. I shout to Him “Aren’t there enough already?!?!?”
So, I get down. My prayer life flags. I lose heart. Sorry. But that’s why I’d like to hear this sermon on prayer. I need a boost of encouragement. Please point me to a link, if you can.
Thank you!
In Him
Toni Carter
Maranatha! Come quickly Lord Jesus!
PS God has an ironic sense of humor. Our son (only child) told us upon graduating in 2006 with honors and a degree in aerospace engineering, that he was going to be a missionary. He spent the first 10 years after graduation in Caracas, VZ – 7 years, and Colombia – 3 years!! In that time God blessed, shielded, protected him, and provided his wonderful (Colombian) helpmate and two precious children. Then God graciously brought them to live in our small town of Kerrville, TX, where they are all thriving and bearing fruit for Him! All praise to Him!!! What a gift. Sometimes my son and daughter-in-law are my only bright spots in this war zone. God is good!!